호산구증가증 없이 발생한 개회충 척수염 |
신종욱, 백인철, 이경재, 정성해, 김재문, 이애영, 손은희 |
충남대학교병원 신경과 |
Toxocara canis Myelitis Without Eosinophilia |
Jong Wook Shin, In Chul Baek, Kyung Jae Lee, Seong-Hae Jeong, Jae-Moon Kim, Ae Young Lee, Eun Hee Sohn |
Department of Neurology, Chungnam National University Hospital, Daejeon, Korea |
Abstract |
"Neurotoxocariasis is a rare CNS infectious disease and usually accompanied by eosinophilia. We experienced a patient diagnosed as Toxocara canis myelitis without eosinophilia. A 62-year-old man presented with progressive paresthesia and gait disturbance for 4 months. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed inflammatory myelitis between T2 and T5 level with focal enhancement. Eosinophil count was normal in the blood and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and total IgE was elevated in the blood. Antibody titer to the Toxocara canis was elevated in the CSF. Toxocariasis should be considered as a differential diagnosis of subacute myelitis in patients with elevated total IgE level even there was no eosinophilia. Journal of Multiple Sclerosis 2(1):20-23, 2011" |
Key Words:
Toxocara canis, Myelitis, Eosinophil |