□ Written in double-spaced standard 10-point font.
□ Presented in the following order (for an original article): title page, Abstract and keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References, tables, and figure legends.
□ All pages numbered consecutively, starting with the title page.
□ Author information page with article title, full name(s) and ORCIDs (open researcher and contributor IDs) of all author, affiliation(s), corresponding author’s e-mail and postal addresses, and footnote (if any).
□ Up to 250 words, and up to 2500 words (not including the abstract, tables, figures, and references) in the main body of the manuscript (for an original article).
□ Up to six relevant MeSH keywords.
□ All tables and figures are referenced in numerical order in the main text.
□ Figure(s) provided as separate files in TIFF, PPT format at a high resolution.
□ References listed in the correct format. All references listed in the References section are cited in the text.