J Mult Scler > Volume 9(2); 2018 > Article
Journal of Multiple Sclerosis 2018;9(2):31-33.
Published online March 1, 2018.
가역적 병적 웃음을 보인 다발성경화증
손기훈, 이소영, 정성훈, 이진형, 허소영
고신대학교 의과대학 신경과학교실
Reversible Pathological Laughing in a Multiple Sclerosis Patient
Ki Hun Son, So-Young Lee, Seong Hun Jeong, Jin-Hyung Lee, So-Young Huh
Department of Neurology, Kosin University College of Medicine, Busan, Korea
"Multiple sclerosis is a chronic neuroinflammatory disease of the brain and spinal cord. The clinical manifestations are heterogeneous, but most cases show motor impairments, sensory or visual disturbances,fatigue, pain and cognitive deficits. Pathological laughing and crying represents a paroxysmof involuntary and uncontrollable laughter and crying that can be the presenting symptoms of aneurologic disorder. Here we describe a patient with an inaugural diagnosed MS who exhibited reversiblepathological laughing. Journal of Multiple Sclerosis 9(2):31-33, 2018"
Key Words: Multiple sclerosis, Pseudobulbar palsy

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